Monday, November 16, 2009

Our selection criteria

At Eureka we have a very rigorous selection process that we have designed in order to maintain our flock at a consistently high standard.
Our stud sheep are tagged at or soon after birth so that we can identify their genetics, evaluate and record their traits from birth through growth to weaning and production.
We are a small farm and can retain only limited stock so if a ewe is selected by us to enter our breeding program she will be of extremely high quality.
We will have kept performance records of that ewe and her mother from birth, she will be an A1 registered Wiltipoll and have gone through a strict selection process which includes, apart from general conformation, such things as udder conformation, temperament evaluation, mothering ability, ease of lambing, number of lambs born and their vigour, numbers of live lambs at weaning and their weight, ewe weight at weaning, lamb evaluation for conformation and production, ease of returning to breeding condition and much more.
Our rams go through just as rigorous a selection process, with next years rams also joining in the brucellosis scheme.
As you can see, we set high standards for our stud stock, our goal is to ensure that our buyers get stock that lives up to the Wiltipoll standard every time.