Using my new selection criteria, I culled very heavily and reduced numbers drastically with the result of a much smaller flock of very high standard.
I am very proud of the quality of ewes I have retained.
All our Eureka ewes originate from the renowned interstate studs of Munna, Quigley, Hebron Park & Grangevale.
This year I am using an exciting new stud ram from Anvil stud NSW and have high hopes for this year's lambs.
A few Eureka ewes in their summer coats

I am very proud of the quality of ewes I have retained.
All our Eureka ewes originate from the renowned interstate studs of Munna, Quigley, Hebron Park & Grangevale.
This year I am using an exciting new stud ram from Anvil stud NSW and have high hopes for this year's lambs.
A few Eureka ewes in their summer coats
Eureka ewe lambs, 4 months old and almost fully shed at such a young age.